Legal Advice

The owner of this website is the company Nondum Lab S.L., with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana, 194, 28046 Madrid.

The use of this website confers the condition of User to whoever does it and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice.

The User must read these conditions each time he or she accesses this Web site, as they may be modified in the future. Some aspects of this website, due to their speciality, may be subject to particular conditions or rules that may replace, complete or modify this Legal Notice, and therefore must also be accepted by the User who uses or accesses them.

All the contents of this website (text, photographs, graphics, images, technology, software, links, audiovisual or sound content, graphic design, source code, etc.), as well as the brands and other distinctive signs are the property of Nondum Lab or third parties, and the user does not acquire any rights over them by the mere use of this website.

The use of this website that has as its purpose or results in the infringement of property, rights or interests of Nondum Lab or third parties is prohibited. It is also prohibited to make any use of this website that alters, damages or disables the networks, servers, equipment, products and software of Nondum Lab or third parties.

Users must not: a) reproduce, copy, distribute, make available to third parties, publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents of this website, except in the cases contemplated by law or expressly authorised by Nondum Lab or the third party owners of such rights; b) reproduce or copy for private use the software or databases on this website, or publicly communicate or make them available to third parties when this entails reproduction; c) extract or reuse all or a substantial part of the contents of this website. In any case, the use or reproduction of content or databases that is expressly authorised by Nondum Lab.

The user is responsible for ensuring that the information provided on this website is true. To this end, the user is responsible for the veracity of all the data he or she provides and will keep the information provided up to date in such a way that it corresponds to his or her real situation. The user will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information provided and for any damage caused to Nondum Lab companies or third parties.

Users who wish to introduce links to this website from their own web pages will be obliged to comply with the following conditions: a) the link will only connect to the home page, and may not reproduce it in any way; b) no frames of any kind may be established around the website or allow it to be viewed through different Internet addresses or in conjunction with content that is not part of this website, in such a way that it produces, or may produce, error or confusion in users as to the origin of the service or its content, involves an act of comparison or unfair imitation, serves to take advantage of the reputation, brand and prestige of Nondum Lab or is done in any other way that is prohibited by law; c) no false or inaccurate statement may be made about Nondum Lab, the quality of its services or its employees or clients from the page that provides the link; d) The sender may not use the brand or any other distinctive sign of Nondum Lab within its website, except in cases authorised by law or expressly permitted by Nondum Lab; e) The page establishing the link must comply with current legislation and may not contain or link to content that is illicit, harmful, contrary to morals and good customs, that produces or may produce the false idea that Nondum Lab endorses or supports the ideas, statements or actions of the sender or that is inappropriate in relation to the activity carried out by the sender, taking into account the content and general theme of the website where the link is established.

Nondum Lab is not responsible for controlling that this website does not contain malicious software or any other harmful computer element. In any case, it is the responsibility of the user to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of these elements. In accordance with this, Nondum Lab is not responsible for any damage caused to computer equipment while accessing this website. Likewise, it will not be responsible for damage caused to Users when such damage is due to failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that interrupt the service of this website.

This website may include technical link devices that allow the User to access other Internet pages (links). In these cases, Nondum Lab will only be responsible for the content and services provided through the links as soon as it becomes aware of their illegality and has not diligently deactivated them. If a user considers that there is a link with illicit or inappropriate content, he or she may indicate this to Nondum Lab, without this implying that the latter is obliged to remove the corresponding link. Nondum Lab is not aware of the content and services of the links and therefore shall not be liable for any damages arising from their lack of quality, out-of-date, unavailability, error, uselessness or illegality and shall not be responsible for any statements made or content or services provided through them. If any user is aware that the links refer to pages whose content or services are illegal, harmful, denigrating, violent or immoral, they may contact Nondum Lab indicating this.

The user is informed that navigation through this website will involve the registration of cookies in order to facilitate its functionality. The user has the possibility of preventing the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in his or her browser program. However, Nondum Lab is not responsible for the fact that the deactivation of these cookies prevents the correct functioning of the page.

This Legal Notice is governed entirely by Spanish law. The user agrees to make correct use of this website in accordance with the law, with this legal notice and with other conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable. The user will be liable to Nondum Lab and to third parties for any damages that may be caused by failure to comply with these obligations.

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